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Transparency. Integrity. Neighbors, first!

As your Sparks City Councilmember-Ward 3, Brad‘s key priorities will be:
Public Safety

Brad will continue to support the need for additional personnel for both police and fire to ensure neighborhoods, parks and open spaces remain safe - Neighbors, first! 

Improving response times and regionalizing our emergency dispatch team is also a priority as Sparks continues to grow at record speed.

Government Transparency 

Sparks residents work too hard for bad decision making and a lack of transparency when it comes to their taxpayer dollars. With inflation and rising costs of basic necessities impacting everyone, Sparks residents deserve a representative that will make fiscally responsible decisions.

Brad also understands the importance of having an accessible representative that will listen to neighbors everyday concerns. That means returning phone calls and emails and being available.

Veteran & Senior Resources
Brad captured this photo recently on his way to work. A disabled gentleman was heading east on Prater Way toward Northern Nevada Medical Center, where a sidewalk is clearly needed. 

Our Veteran and Senior populations need resources that will improve the quality of their daily lives. 

The seniors in Sparks should have a greater say in determining the activities, educational courses, exercise programs and social gatherings offered by the City of Sparks to align with their preferences and needs.

Collaboration between Sparks and the RTC is crucial to provide convenient transportation solutions for seniors. It is vital to establish public transportation systems that are user-friendly for seniors.


Implementing expanded ride-sharing tailored to seniors' mobility requirements will ensure effective access to transportation services.

Smart Growth

Affordable housing is vital for the welfare of our community, particularly for first-time homebuyers and renters. Brad is committed to continuous efforts to expand the options for affordable housing in Sparks. 

Collaborating with landlords is essential to ensure that rental properties are well-maintained, offering tenants  safe and comfortable living spaces. Strategic planning is key to providing residents with convenient access to essential services and amenities.

Investment in Infrastructure 

Traffic is a sore spot for many Ward 3 residents and Sparks commuters alike, especially on major thoroughfares like Sparks Blvd. Brad is committed to working with the Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) to implement neighbor feedback and find the best solution to street widening that will occur along Sparks Blvd. in a multi-year phased plan.


pavement Index.png


Older neighborhoods like Brad's can often feel overlooked. Streets in certain areas of Ward 3 have long required maintenance. In the picture above, any street marked in red is considered to be in "very poor" or "serious" condition. Brad is committed to advocating for fair infrastructure upgrades in these neighborhoods.


Parks & Recreation
We need to look at our Sparks Parks and do a better job ensuring that families and kids have safe places to recreate in their neighborhoods, and not just our regional facilities like Golden Eagle Park and the Sparks Marina. 
Sparks is facing a shortage of space for future growth, and with infill projects nearing completion, development opportunities will be restricted. To ensure Sparks retains its appeal as a city for living, working and leisure, Brad believes in the importance of creating space for future generations.
Parts of this bill will allow for economic diversification and foster a robust market that will bring safe, good-paying jobs for Sparks residents. 
Learn more about the Lands Bill here.  

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